Medical center responds to county’s first COVID-19 case

Earlier this week Greene County public health announced the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Greene County. Staff at Greene County Medical Center is aware of the case and is monitoring the information received from public health that the individual is self-isolating at home.

Given the current pandemic of COVID-19 and the inevitable news that was released Monday, Greene County Medical Center leaders have been actively planning from longer than a month by meeting five days a week via teleconference for the most current updates and to create response plans.

A surge plan has been developed with the input of the medical center’s providers, and mock drills to practice patient scenarios are taking place to make sure all staff understand the process. By practicing prior to an influx of patients, the team can proactively adapt to necessary changes to provide better and safer care while protecting staff.

Interim CEO Tracy Warner said, “I am so proud of all the work the medical center staff has done preparing for COVID-19. We, as a community and as Greene County Medical Center, are ready to handle such a situation. Our top priority is the health and safety of our staff, patients and community.”

Area residents are asked to follow suggested guidelines for social distancing, self-isolation, etc, and any regulations put in place for the state of Iowa. Those guidelines are crucial to help slow the spread of the virus. Patients are asked to call ahead to the provider, clinic or department they want to be seen by if they are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, difficulty breathing, or any other respiratory symptom). Calling ahead ensures practices are safe for both the patient and healthcare workers.

Resources for information on COVID-19 include the Iowa Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Links can be found on the Greene County Medical Center website at

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